Mentorship for the next generation of land surveyors.
We as Boundary Surveyors are told to follow in the footsteps of the Surveyor before us. The questions we need to ask ourselves are:
- “What footprints are we leaving for the next generation?”
- “Can the public and other professionals trust our work?”
- “Have we been thorough?”
- “Is it documented?”
- “What do people think when they see our name on plans and documents?”
Those footprints need to include not only our boundary line determinations & plans but also our legacy, character, reputation, and value added to our clients and community. We old guys are fading away and the young guys need to pull as much as they can out of us.

My focus is to the Surveyor at any stage of your career currently or wanting to be involved doing Boundary, Property, Subdivision & Land Development projects specifically directed to:
- Correct application of legal aspects.
- Hands-on step by step process through a project from beginning to end.
- Principles, policies, procedures, process to obtain correct results within a determined scope and budget.
- Understanding the extent and nature of research and collection of field evidence.
- Interpreting documents
- Interaction with client and approval agencies.
- Professional Oversight.
- Preparation for SIT and PLS examines.

I'd like to pass on what I know about...
Being Profitable
- Note this is at the top of the list as we need to learn to provide value to clients and/or employer commensurate with fee for services and/or wages as nothing else matters if we don’t.
- The challenge is to match scope to fee for service and it can be done.
Starting, Managing, and Owning a Small Surveying Business
- Our profession and each community need a highly respected, quality, professional surveying business and I’d love to share the components.
Boundary / Property Surveys
- A Boundary Survey determines the limits of a property while a Property Survey everything about the property that affects title and existing conditions.
- There is a significant difference, and we need to be very clear on the scope related to easements, access, utilities, physical features which may be limitations of future use that our clients may be depending on us to provide. The rule is to disclose, disclose, disclose but within a stated scope.
Small Subdivisions and Land Development Plans
- The small local surveyor knows SALDO, Zoning, Land Use Ordinances better than anyone so we need to pre-actively use our “big umbrella” to come alongside our clients to help them achieve their dreams while complying with regulations.
- That umbrella keeps expanding so we need to stay on top of everything.
Thorough, Quality, Professional Plan Deliverables
- Many of us are known for the plans we produce.
- They are our footprints for others to follow.
Representing Projects at Public Meetings and to governmental agencies
- We need to be proactive in representing our plans before agencies. We know the project and applicable regulations better than anyone and need to unashamedly stand behind our work on behalf of our clients.
- Good public presentations are some of the best advertising there is.
I call this the “Art of Boundary Line Determination”, and yes, it is an “Art” totally different from other types of surveys and is acquired...
A Pastor friend said “Go Live the Call” at the end of each message. To us as Boundary Surveyors, we need to “Go Live the...
I’d like to just sit and talk about these subjects or anything else you’d like:
- Face to face, 1 on 1, or a maximum of 1 on 5. I like face to face as we as surveyors need to be comfortable talking with and building 1 on 1 relationships with clients and neighbors as they are many times our best source of pertinent evidence, so we need to listen carefully, ask the right questions and build their confidence in us.
- In your office or where you are most comfortable.
- Outside of the employer-supervisor / employee relationship you can be candid and open.
- I want to get to know you as mentorship is about relationships.
- Also available for presentations to large / small groups.