Mentoring the next generation of land surveyors.
Hi – I’m Carl Bert, Professional Land Surveyor
When I embarked on the survey profession back in 1965 then started Carl Bert & Associates, Inc. (CBA) in 1973, I had no idea what an exciting, fun, enjoyable, fulfilling journey I was about to take and all wonderful people I would meet. It’s been a hoot!!!!!! Special thanks to everyone who made that possible.
After “Doing / Performing” Surveys for 50 years
- 5,000 clients
- 6,000 boundary surveys
- 10,000 residential lots ranging from one to 300 lot subdivisions
- 4,000 acres of commercial, retail, and industrial development, from pole buildings to big box warehouses.
- 200 different staff members over the years (high of 25 at any one time)

It’s Now Time to Change Focus to Give Back...
… by using that experience and expertise to:
Mentor the next generation of Land Surveyors in:
- Being Profitable
- Starting, Managing, and Owning a Small Surveying Business
- The “ART” of Boundary Line Determination
- Property Surveys
- Small Subdivisions and Land Development Plans
- Thorough, Quality, Professional Plans & Deliverables
- Representing Projects at Public Meetings.
Advocate for the Survey Profession
Consult with prior clients, property owners, fellow surveyors, and attorneys.

CBA has now passed prior projects to:
In 2015, CBA transitioned our larger engineering projects and staff to Herbert, Rowland & Grubic (HRG) who continues those services in the Shippensburg area.
Contact Scott B. Bert, PE, (717-254-0066 / at HRG with questions / information on prior CBA engineering projects.
In 2021, CBA transitioned our surveying / smaller engineering projects, records & staff to JHA Companies (844-542-4757) who has continued services in the Shippensburg area.
Contact Dan Dunkelberger (570-850-9010 / or Don Bara (570-396-2788 / with JHA with questions / records on prior CBA projects and for new survey / engineering needs.

Old Surveyors never retire / we just fade away... but before I go, I hope to pass on some of what I’ve learned.
I call this the “Art of Boundary Line Determination”, and yes, it is an “Art” totally different from other types of surveys and is acquired...
A Pastor friend said “Go Live the Call” at the end of each message. To us as Boundary Surveyors, we need to “Go Live the...