
Land Survey Consultant

Mentoring the next generation of land surveyors.

Hi – I’m Carl Bert, Professional Land Surveyor

When I embarked on the survey profession back in 1965 then started Carl Bert & Associates, Inc. (CBA) in 1973, I had no idea what an exciting, fun, enjoyable, fulfilling journey I was about to take and all wonderful people I would meet. It’s been a hoot!!!!!! Special thanks to everyone who made that possible.  

After “Doing / Performing” Surveys for 50 years

  • 5,000 clients
  • 6,000 boundary surveys
  • 10,000 residential lots ranging from one to 300 lot subdivisions
  • 4,000 acres of commercial, retail, and industrial development, from pole buildings to big box warehouses.
  • 200 different staff members over the years (high of 25 at any one time)
Carl Bert, PLS

It’s Now Time to Change Focus to Give Back...

… by using that experience and expertise to:

Mentor the next generation of Land Surveyors in:

  • Being Profitable
  • Starting, Managing, and Owning a Small Surveying Business
  • The “ART” of Boundary Line Determination
  • Property Surveys
  • Small Subdivisions and Land Development Plans
  • Thorough, Quality, Professional Plans & Deliverables
  • Representing Projects at Public Meetings.

Advocate for the Survey Profession

Consult with prior clients, property owners, fellow surveyors, and attorneys.


CBA has now passed prior projects to:

In 2015, CBA transitioned our larger engineering projects and staff to Herbert, Rowland & Grubic (HRG) who continues those services in the Shippensburg area.

Contact Scott B. Bert, PE, (717-254-0066 / at HRG with questions / information on prior CBA engineering projects.

In 2021, CBA transitioned our surveying / smaller engineering projects, records & staff to JHA Companies (844-542-4757) who has continued services in the Shippensburg area.

Contact Dan Dunkelberger (570-850-9010 / or Don Bara (570-396-2788 / with JHA with questions / records on prior CBA projects and for new survey / engineering needs.

Land surveyor

Old Surveyors never retire / we just fade away... but before I go, I hope to pass on some of what I’ve learned.

I call this the “Art of Boundary Line Determination”, and yes, it is an “Art” totally different from other types of surveys and is acquired...

A Pastor friend said “Go Live the Call” at the end of each message. To us as Boundary Surveyors, we need to “Go Live the...

Every Business and individual staff person MUST follow this principal in order to be successful. Failure to do so will hinder profitability and your value. ...