A little bit about me & my passion for helping the next generation.
Carl David Bert | 3-11-47 to hope not soon.
Address: 73 Lantern Lane, Shippensburg, Pa. 17257 | Cell: 717-372-2640
Lived in the Shippensburg area all of my life. I grew up on a produce farm in Lurgan.
Paul & Ruth N. (Musser) Bert (both deceased)
Thelma E. (Myers) Bert
- Married 09-09-67
- Good friend, companion & mate / Made me what I am
- Secretary / Administrator / Accountant with CBA since the start
Eric L. Bert
- Wife Krissi & children Allision & Logan
- PSU – BS in Architectural Engineering
- 1 year with CBA
- 25 years as Young Life area director in Franklin County
Scott B. Bert, PE
- Wife Lindsay & children Ethan, Emma & Sophia
- PSU – BS in Civil Engineering
- Wheaton University – Missions Theology. Missionary to Romania 5 years
- CBA as lead engineer for 20 years / currently Project Engineer with HRG

Come along side people to help them:
- Understand who they are
- Identify their personality, spiritual gifts, leadership skills and encourage / equip them to development / use them to glorify God and edify others.
- Grow in Christ
Phillies, Eagles, Sixers, attending grandkid’s sporting event, traveling.
Be an ambassador for the survey profession.
Mentor / recruit / encourage / equip the next generation of Boundary Surveyors

We old Surveyors never retire ; we just fade away and that is what I’m hoping to do. Over the years, I’ve been exposed to many things and have developed what I call the "Big Umbrella” that I’d love to share.
Civic / Religion / Sports
- Lutheran Social Services (Spirit Trust) – Home Care & Hospice / President
- Christian Retreat Center, East Waterford / Co-founder & President
- Messiah Lifeways / Board of Directors.
- Scoutmaster
- Air Hill Brethren-in-Christ & King Street United Brethren-in-Christ / SS teacher and lay leader.
- Pastored Blairs Mill Brethren-in-Christ 4 years as a licensed minister (lapsed)
- Pastored a community outreach at a public housing development in Chambersburg for 13 years.
- Led numerous evangelistic, outreach ministries and one on one Bible studies.
- Numerous Borough / Township sub-committees related to regional planning and development.
- American Congress on Surveying Mapping (ACSM) / member & officer
- Penna State Land Surveyors (PSLS) / member & chapter officer
- Taught classes at HACC on surveying.
- PSLS annual conference both as an attendee and presenter
- Played and managed church & community volleyball, basketball and especially pitching fast-pitch softball for 40 years all of which has gone by the wayside with old age. Now, it is riding around on a golf course.

- Chambersburg Area Senior High School / 1965
- PSU – Mont Alto / Associates Degree in Survey Technology / 1967
- Many continuing education courses, seminars, webinars, etc. related to surveying & leadership.
Registration / Certifications / Licenses
- Professional Land Surveyor / 1967 / SU019109E / active
- SEO / 1973 / Lapsed
- John C. Brillhart, Surveying & Mapping / Instrument man / 1967-1968
- Nassaux-Hemsley / Party Chief & Director of Surveying / 1968-1972
- Carl Bert & Associates / Owner, Manager, etc., etc., etc. / 1973-2023
- JHA Companies, Inc. / Business Development / 2021-present

Current Status
- “Trying” to travel & retire but not working too well
- Assisting JHA with Business Development
- Completing / finishing CBA projects
- Being an ambassador for surveying and passing on whatever knowledge / wisdom accumulated over 56 years.
- Being a Boundary Survey Consultant to Legal Profession, Realtors and the general public with Boundary Survey, Subdivision and Land Development related questions, advice and recommendations.
- Teaching, equipping, encouraging & mentoring the next generation of Boundary Surveyors with the emphasis on Boundary Surveying.

Carl Bert & Associates, Inc. (CBA)
Obviously, this has been the major portion of my life. When my advisor at PSU asked if I would consider changing my major from Engineering to Surveying, I did not even know what surveying was but soon found out, fell in love with it and never doubted that it was the right decision and never looked back. It has been a wonderful life, coming alongside many wonderful people, answering their questions, helping them fulfill their dreams, building value in their lives and properties.
Over the 50 years of CBA, we had over 5,000 clients, with approximately 6,000 boundary surveys, 10,000 + residential lots ranging from one to 400 lot subdivisions, 4,000 + acres of commercial, retail, industrial development from pole buildings to big box warehouses with clients like Volvo Construction Equipment, Schreiber Foods, Shippensburg University Foundation, Cressler Family, etc.
There were 200 + different staff members over the years with a high of 25 at any one time in 2007, most of which came with little or limited experience, so it was a privilege to come alongside each to train, equip, encourage, empower, and mentor many to become PE’s PLS’s, SEO’s, planners, project leaders, etc. It was a pleasure to watch them grow and mature.
As the primary PLS, I was personally involved with the Professional Oversight of boundary determination along with Rodney E. Shuman, PLS of all projects in one way or the other while Scott E. Bert, PE did the same on Engineering projects.
Over these years, we saw regulations grow from next to none to it now becoming a major undertaking to design, obtain approval / permitting and construction of even the smallest projects involving the following:
- Surveys including Boundary, Recon, ALTA, Agricultural, Timber, Warrant-Patent, Disputes, Encroachment, Topographic, Utility, As-Built, Court Testimony, Coordination with Attorneys / Title personnel / Realtors, Deed – Plan Research, Easements, Right-of-Ways, Construction Stakeout.
- Subdivision Planning involving SALDO’s, Zoning, Comprehensive Plans, Lot-Additions, Residential, on-site sewage, Sewage Facilities Planning, Floodplain, wetlands, Endangered Species, ZHB, Variances, Waivers, Zoning Map revisions,
- Commercial, Industrial Land Developments with Grading, Lighting, Landscaping, Water, Sewage, Utility, Highway Occupancy Permits, Truck Turning Radii, Cost Estimating, NPDES-PCSM-E&S, Feasibility Studies,
In 2015, we transitioned our engineering staff and projects to Herbert, Rowland & Grubic then Surveying to JHA Companies in the fall of 2021 as part of my retirement. Actually, not retirement but shift gears from “doing / performing” surveys to training those following in my footsteps to become good Boundary Surveyors which is a major need in our profession.