
Land Survey Consultant

Part 1: The “ART” of Boundary Line Determination

I call this the “Art of Boundary Line Determination”, and yes, it is an “Art” totally different from other types of surveys and is acquired through common sense, experience, practice, listening, asking questions, mentoring, continued learning, wisdom, discernment, relationships, etc. It is the practical application of everything we’ve learned over the years.   It is not learned in college, reading books, seminars, measurements, GPS, or passing a test.

The “Art” of Boundary Determination

  • It is the skill to determine the proper location of a common line separating properties using the best available evidence within a reasonable budget which is a challenge but what our clients & communities deserve.
  • This requires a special/unique person with the right character, personality, temperament, gifts, and relationship skills that not all surveyors possess. It needs to be someone who knows and is known by the community (Attorneys, peers, government, business associates), active in the community, knows local history & survey practices, good businessperson, looked up to and with a legal mind.
  • When the Vet first opened, they had a gasoline truck bring in the opposing team’s reliever and a firetruck the Phillies reliever. Boundary Surveyors carry two (2) buckets, one with gasoline and the other water. We can see a devil/problem behind each bush OR a solution behind each opportunity. We can cause problems/disputes OR resolution/agreement by our attitudes and things we say & do. We need to use the water bucket and recommend solutions.  I’m of the mindset that there are few disputes, just misunderstandings.
  • Boundary lines are on the ground, not on paper. Our job is to translate what is on paper to the ground so it can be clearly observed and that requires us as professionals getting in the field. We should not be depending on AI or things obtained electronically.   Remember, we’re Boundary Surveyors and boundary lines are on the ground. We need to be proud of our determinations, charge for and not hide them.
  • The challenge is when is enough enough? When have we conducted enough research, collected enough field evidence, talked to the right people, made the right determination, and disclosed the right things all within a reasonable charge for our services?   That’s why we need experienced/qualified professional Boundary Surveyors. I believe there are policies, procedures, & processes to help answer these questions and to get it right for a reasonable fee but that is for another day or article.
Carl Bert, PLS

About Carl Bert

Carl Bert, PLS after 50 years has “retired” from doing/performing surveys to being an advocate for surveying and mentoring the next generation to become Boundary Surveyors.

Call: 717-372-2640